La voie de l'excellence martiale.

Rejoignez un club dédié à votre développement personnel et martial. Que vous soyez débutant ou pratiquant expérimenté, chaque entraînement est une étape vers la maîtrise et chaque mouvement est une opportunité de perfectionnement. Venez forger votre esprit et votre corps dans un environnement respectueux et inspirant, et ensemble, suivons la voie de l’excellence pour atteindre vos objectifs.

Bienvenue chez Ipponkan

Le Club Ipponkan met un accent particulier sur la discipline et la maîtrise de soi. Chaque pratiquant est encouragé à donner le meilleur de lui-même, non seulement dans l’exécution des techniques, mais aussi dans son comportement et son attitude. En intégrant des valeurs telles que le respect, la persévérance, et l'humilité, le club crée un environnement propice à l’apprentissage et à la croissance personnelle.

A martial arts dojo features several practitioners in white and blue gi uniforms engaged in training on red and gray mats. The central figure is performing a martial arts technique, surrounded by others practicing and discussing techniques.
A martial arts dojo features several practitioners in white and blue gi uniforms engaged in training on red and gray mats. The central figure is performing a martial arts technique, surrounded by others practicing and discussing techniques.


Notre mission est de transmettre les valeurs des arts martiaux à travers un enseignement de qualité, accessible à tous, et de créer une communauté forte et unie.

A martial arts dojo with several people practicing. The room is well-lit with ceiling lights and a soft red-pink mat covers the floor. Participants are dressed in traditional martial arts uniforms, focusing on their movements.
A martial arts dojo with several people practicing. The room is well-lit with ceiling lights and a soft red-pink mat covers the floor. Participants are dressed in traditional martial arts uniforms, focusing on their movements.

Maîtrisez les techniques de frappe et de défense.


Découvrez l’harmonie dans le mouvement.


Apprenez l’art de la souplesse et du contrôle..

Renforcez votre endurance et votre agilité.


Galerie d'arts martiaux

Découvrez nos moments forts et l'esprit de camaraderie ici.

A group of people wearing martial arts uniforms are sitting on a large mat in a spacious room with high ceilings. The walls are adorned with art pieces and there are several potted plants placed around the room. The scene conveys a martial arts training session or class.
A group of people wearing martial arts uniforms are sitting on a large mat in a spacious room with high ceilings. The walls are adorned with art pieces and there are several potted plants placed around the room. The scene conveys a martial arts training session or class.
Five people wearing martial arts uniforms are gathered together in a dojo, smiling and interacting with each other. The environment is well-lit, with visible mats on the floor. The mood appears lighthearted and friendly.
Five people wearing martial arts uniforms are gathered together in a dojo, smiling and interacting with each other. The environment is well-lit, with visible mats on the floor. The mood appears lighthearted and friendly.
A martial artist performing a high kick in mid-air inside a dojo, wearing a white gi with a black belt. The background is a grid of translucent panels and training mats cover the floor.
A martial artist performing a high kick in mid-air inside a dojo, wearing a white gi with a black belt. The background is a grid of translucent panels and training mats cover the floor.
A group of children is practicing martial arts, focusing on their stance and positioning. An adult male instructor in a black shirt is facing them, likely giving instructions or demonstrating techniques. The setting appears to be indoors with various chairs and tables in the background.
A group of children is practicing martial arts, focusing on their stance and positioning. An adult male instructor in a black shirt is facing them, likely giving instructions or demonstrating techniques. The setting appears to be indoors with various chairs and tables in the background.
A group of individuals dressed in martial arts gis, gathered in a dojo. Most are seated, attentively listening, while one person in a blue gi stands prominently. The setting appears focused and disciplined, with some written notes visible on a bulletin board in the background.
A group of individuals dressed in martial arts gis, gathered in a dojo. Most are seated, attentively listening, while one person in a blue gi stands prominently. The setting appears focused and disciplined, with some written notes visible on a bulletin board in the background.